Friday, January 21, 2011

Church Anniversary Letters Samples

A foster mother explained the problem of the 240 families affected by Kaz closing. AFAM


Kazakh State cancels the adoption records of 240 English families, which will delay the process several years without any legal basis and permanently, Kazakhstan rejects adoption records of 240 English families who were finishing their process, and intends to return to Spain.
Solutions are starting a new adoption process in another country or continue it if they meet certain conditions. Any of them would be a minimum delay of several years.
is the case of Maria José and Carlos, an Asturian family after more than 4 years of paperwork, waiting distressing and many bad times, they were about to travel to Kazakhstan to meet their children.
You can read his story in
Sign your request and asked the Minister for Health and Social Policy, Ms. Leire Pajin Iraola, who makes everything possible hand to defend the 240 families who are in similar situational sign the petition will be sending this cartaDestinatario:
Excellency Mrs. Leire Pajin Iraola The state of Kazakhstan is currently in the process of adaptation to the Hague Convention, for which it is processing a new law adopciones.Con this reason, last December 15, 2010 the state of Kazakhstan decided unilaterally and without any legal basis, return to their countries of source all adoption records were not a child assigned before that date. This will include approximately 240 English families.
is the case of Maria José and Carlos, a family Asturian count on his blog ( how after more than 4 years of paperwork, waiting distressing and many bad times were about travel to Kazakhstan to meet their children.
The solutions are starting a new adoption process in another country or continue in Kazakhstan when the adaptation process expires. Any of them would be a minimum delay of several years.
declare my total solidarity with the families and the approximately 240 English families who are in similar situations. Therefore
and under art. 29 of the English Constitution (right to petition),
REQUEST to the Honourable Minister of Health, Social Policy and Equality, Ms. Leire Pajin Iraola to perform all steps will be possible to defend the status of these English families, and all the children who will be harmed / as.
Finally, I ask that I send this complaint to be addressed and answered in the shortest time possible.
remain, and waiting for your response, I say goodbye to ustedAtentamente, Please sign the petition by clicking on the widget on the right. (In the case of our blog is on the left)

Thanks Elena for letting you copy this blog entry.


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