Children: Nacho-a true "mirror" sponge "that absorbs and reflects any changes in mood, situation and that affects your mood even the weather, which takes two weeks to waking in the middle of the night and not wanting to go back to sleep. And Diana
starting to believe what "that we are forever" and has begun to behave in a more "natural" ...
At home: Loli, "the invaluable help in housework - failing through family problems of various kinds, to which more justified, but the enormous role that makes me once a week and the development of flooring, furniture doors and windows are devoid of intensive care two weeks and the three ...
At work: Sonia, another marvel of person , which also like a lot and helped me in the store and during the illness of my brother Edward and maternity leave and took over almost everything and I'm still in need but I was unable to keep ...
Right now I no longer believe any superwoman even remotely - but that we "can not believe it," is now firsthand and unequivocally that I am not! - that's when suddenly everything seems complicated.
Tan enzarzada estaba yo en desliarme y organizarme para dejarlo todo bien dispuesto para marcharnos a Granada –no sabíamos por cuanto tiempo- a la operación de implante de la válvula fonatoria que devolverá la voz a Eduardo, que justo cuando ya tenía la maleta cerrada para mandar a los niños a pasar estos días a casa de mi hermano y mi cuñada, me avisa mi vecina Teresa que Nacho el viernes tendría que ir al colegio disfrazado porque era la fiesta de carnaval…la verdad es que si le dieron algún papel a Nacho (que seguro que su seño se lo dio) yo no hice acuse de recibo y ni tenía idea de que tenía fiesta ni que necesitaba disfraz... menos mal que con el aviso Teresa me dió la solución and lent me a suit Cid swordsman with shield type included with the I saw the sky.
What I could not see was the face of Nacho dismay when my brother and my sister took him to school on Friday Cid dress and found with surprise that I had to go in disguise ... if ... BUT CLOWN!
Following the success of the intervention, no problems waking from anesthesia and tolerance to liquids, was discharged from hospital Eduardo late in the afternoon and decided to return home. When we arrived but it was too late, we were tired and "postoperative" and decided to agree with my brother, do not go pick children to rest that night at home the day so intense that it was the intervention. Also every time I had called to see how it was developing the visit he had noticed that both boys and guys were very happy together so I relaxed and I could rest.
The next day my brother and his fine irony made me aware of the meeting of my "dark" Cid and his colorful co ... Nacho's face and the amazement of his "sign" that he was very surprised to see Nacho in such wise, but did not put any problem. Isabel, our "sign" which is the most complete woman: very beautiful, with tables pouring sympathy and sense of humor enough to take blunders of first-time mother much more important than that and if they said in a friendly manner, his disappointment at not being able to see Nacho dressed as a clown.
When my brother called me I was about to leave for work since Edward was great and had spent a fairly quiet night.
I did not think, the cabinet took a plaid shirt and a pair of dungarees striped socks, toiletries paintings and drove to the Chinese shop belonging to our district (I think they are located as pharmacies by sectors or neighborhoods) and in five minutes I bought a purple wig and huge yellow mittens though they had a clown nose and five minutes later the friendly concierge Frederick school my children, "he was accompanying the sports hall where they had gathered all children in costume, a congregation of children in colorful costumes where my Nachete looked dark and gloomy in Cid suit, often fiasco championship!, did not need words, nobody was surprised my momentum, starting with Frederick followed by Elizabeth, who just meet me at the door brought me Nacho flag to change him and the teacher, who also is a charm, then came to give me your help and let me some paintings to finish the makeshift costume: red for the nose to enlarge the mouth blue and green for two crosses in the eyelets, not as I left the makeshift also makeup if the clowns I never called special attention!
The truth is that it was a joy to dress it up as a clown and a costume that is more in tune with nature and the joy of the feast and the environment.
When I left the school immensely grateful to everyone for allowing me to correct the mistake, I was also invaded by a feeling of joy, thinking of nothing my equipment maternal been launched and regardless of shame or what they think of me, the thought of my Nacho annoyed by the error or omission of his mother was clueless enough to have removed whatever remedy it.
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