To whom it may concern:
A year ago my husband and I are parents of two children, Diana Kazakh (8 years) and Nacho (3 and a half) by adoption.
Now I have almost 48 years and when we think about adopting, in 2005, our idea, perhaps formed or deformed by adoption cases met we knew was that of a Chinese girl from 0 to 3 years (this was our CI) I was 42. Then in China
assigned almost exclusively girls and adoptions were delayed between 9 and 11 months ...
As we walked the endless English requirements for adoption always seemed stuck or paralyzed by a party, holiday or neglect in the various offices they passed our documents, because it depended on we had no cause or reason in the world that we delayed: no job, no party, no matter unwillingness or own, or distance, or call or door to call. But the deadlines were lengthening in the country to the east and so when we get to give our dossier to the ECAI chosen in January 2007 and gave us entry into China on March 19, 2007 then the time had already more than tripled.
Every month our dream of being a parent was going away in time, who is familiar with the procedure know that Chinese figures were handled tens of thousands of expectant parents and the authorities of that country began discouragement to slowly, first with a petition of conditions which only allowed almost ideal partners and slowing excellent allocations to despair, so we started looking for another country that we could provide the opportunity to become parents, we ask that We opened another case, "more bureaucracy, more requirements, and we got in November of that year, and curious for several reasons, some people call them coincidences, our request was for a country that until then did not even know existed: Kazakhstan.
My husband still had the power of the word, called and met with several steps, since in that country then the procedure was very different from China and had to be through intermediaries or mediators. Done the casting
servicers who we chose the more we convinced (then more was in favor of the country was to be natural.)
Petites opted for Gala Prick. Even before we sent her to sign all documents and requirements of the country need to be translated, at that time also the time limits were reasonable kaz ... but again it all started to go wrong. Inexplicably.
Our history in search of parenthood is a recurring image of the mule chasing a carrot that is always ahead and never can attain, however much you try, run or sews ... the elusive carrot ever before, the desire to satisfy the desire conviertió parenting is the concern, and motor center of our lives.
China and Kazakhstan were "still far" too much and the time passed, we saw China as a trickle "move" file after file with inexplicable logic allocated 5 days of cases registered every month - the best of times-(with what our deadlines were delaying month after month) even today, it seems that many parents have given up and more courageous and preparations have bet on so-called "green passage" (fastest route through which parents choose to adopt children with disabilities or illnesses to a greater or lesser extent recoverable ....) currently, as I say, our hopes in China last until mid to late 2014 with what would be expected 9 years.
In my case would be 51 years who have met to begin the road of motherhood and I would adopt a child of at least 9 years. One's views
what you want about this, some have given up for not being able to give up their desire to have a baby, or a healthy baby or young child, less than three or four años.Yo not criticize him I have come to the conclusion that, outside of extravagance, is very important to be clear what you want in life and very clear expectations - I mean normal, because otherwise things get complicated and without going farther adaptation can be difficult for everyone.
But about the process ...
When at last after nearly a year of anguish and prosecute coup phone calls, the case on the steps and ministries, our record out of the clutches of the English bureaucracy and step Kazakh soil finally entered the embassy ...! how we celebrate ...! And here was the refrain of "other than good will will make you "laugh your the slowness of our bureaucracy because our record was inexplicably held at the Embassy exactly one year. It's something that still nobody has been able to explain, or processed, or adoptive ... not the ambassador of that time for me was like a being or a ghost .... Anyone.
who have not lived near or in their own meat can explain the infinite endurance of those who are expecting a child by this way.
The triumphal entry of our record in the embassy as celebrated as the culmination of a perpetual journey arduous and administrators, we share experiences then congratulated us on the forums and it seemed the prelude to paradise.
For those who are not informed, the embassy was just a step or further step of many that still has to complete and that year he was arrested pending forced our record but also our future as we celebrated just innocent that entry to the embassy Ed was diagnosed with throat cancer that began by stripping him of his voice and almost cost him his life.
Parallel to the process of disease and the adoption process, our family was fighting the pandemic of our time and is nothing more to deliver the record of China's ECAI my little brother was diagnosed with a severe tumor prognosis and against which even today is struggling . Eduardo
after three operations that ended with his voice and his throat but not his strength and drive and despite the corrosive treatment, managed to recover after that year's infinite stoic battle with cancer in my house is lived twice ( and even triple as the mother of my brother was diagnosed with leukemia) that year to juggle work, time and how to organize my sister and I to attend the three patients when they agreed to be hospitalized even in different cities. That unforgettable time in which he looked to Eduardo so sick but as irreducible, so convinced my brother to win his battle and the mother of my sister joking bald and pert appearance and your luck.
was a bitter period in which sometimes the caress our dream was what we recharged the batteries to keep going and other impossible to think of it gave me a tear in the heart.
Not a day went in to look askance at the possibility that our family project collapsed with the worst outcomes.
At that time all turned dark as if a black cloud of thick fog had taken over our present and we could not see beyond the next day. There was a time when it seemed that things were going bad, bad news that they were could still worsen. By way of example with Eduardo admitted to the oncology floor of the Hospital Virgen de las Nieves in Granada, hooked to a machine perfusion with chemo treatment, I had to leave the nursing care of the plant (they are all people outside series) to be in Almería for the complicated operation that they were going to play my brother. After the days of uncomfortable and your anesthesia preparatory to intervention longer than expected, we could exchange ideas with your surgeon Juan Torres when he would enter the operating room, twenty minutes after the family called Carlos Moya ... I loosened my legs and at first I made a mess with the information we were giving on a collapse ... it came .... The surgeon! only doctor in Almería able to carry out an operation of this magnitude it is one of ten people in Spain can use the machine and the washing technique intraperitoneal chemotherapy appeared to be the way to stop the progression of disease my brother. The surgeon!
few days later the improved health, three weeks after surgery on my brother, (coinciding again the three patients hospitalized two different cities) and thanks to my brother that intervention continued his crusade against cancer.
I know I'm growing but serves our history and all those who lived to at this point in his way is overwhelmed, discouraged or feel of a dead end, feel understood and empathize with our exposure and hopefully come to think that bad things occur in a way everything can also improve.
My brother better and out of danger, his mother won his battle to leukemia, Eduardo was operated on life and death of his bad throat devoured him stubbornly unrestrained bias and its voice is not as it has done-but also his life, mine, ours. Sounds dramatic? Because it was live.
And after further sessions of chemotherapy and radio (35), which although at times it failed to break him, fell down a few months later, his physician, Dr. Fernández-Nogueras Jiménez, (which never have enough words to express my gratitude ), with its accessibility and proximity always gave us the news of the complete remission of disease and the amazing recovery of the complicated operation that Eduardo was submitted. It was the time to ask considered feasible if we followed our adoption plans and encouraged us to do so with conviction.
I quickly ask our procedures-Gala-an interview without being told why she wanted to see for yourself and consider the possibilities of getting the adoption after the clear operation Eduardo (who never breathe through the nose but a hole in the base of the neck and loss of voice). We met Gala in Madrid, our record was abducted from the embassy and she was in the capital, as we said to persuade the ambassador to "liberate" some of the records withheld.
trip nerves were monumental. Eduardo and I had fantasized about the possibility of asking siblings, he is an only child and did not like to be and as we were certain that this and how things were going, how they were getting the requirements, our own limitations, if we produced this adoption could not get a second adoption, and China was virtually ruled out ...
Gala was charming and assured us that so and how I saw Edward, the truth is that even I was amazed-I did not think there was any impediment to moving forward. Gala
spoke of the difficulties that were found to carry out their work and asked if we had a preference for race, sex or age ... I always told him that I did not care less green color that were our son or our daughter, and then I told him if the same light green nor do we care ...
Gala security that there would be impaired, we got so excited that we dared to ask if he could change at this point our petition for the two brothers ... and the miracle happened ...
We talked about two brothers Kazakh-bred, boy and girl just over two and six years .... Took to decide what it takes to cross a look, it was an impulse ... no, after so many years on the platform waiting for our train, we both had the same impression at once: that was our train and went to get on it.
accepted the assignment, Gala made some calls to check if the data was not correct and we parted with the promise of their response.
The next day we asked to review and change the qualification certificate, which were outstanding as we had received the letter to let us and curiously what had hitherto been obstacles and delays began to walk at breakneck speed and while we provide all the paperwork Almería bureaucratic if we put it clear: the review IC was being very strict and we risked losing because they were denied many suitabilities because previously there had been too lightly. The interviews were in a cordial but tough, we were afraid of the lack of voice of Eduardo as a handicap, but he though without sound fluent and anyone predisposed to understand not find any obstacle to communication. Again
our doctor sent us reports and we confirmed the allocation Gala, as data told us that the child was "gorgeous" and girls "very nice" and in Madrid told us the age and race .. At least we knew that were not green! Eduardo and I joked with him the sympathy of the girl, the one who was long one, said that when he went out with friends and "seeking" was feilla companion if he said it was very nice ... hahaha so we were afraid that the child would not be pretty. Then it turned out that the girl is a princess Kazakh, every day that passes I see more and more beautiful, and it's nice to baskets is smallish it is quite a rascal.
still took us four months to travel to meet them, four months of life for all of us! And after meeting and dealing in your country few hours daily in the orphanage for a month, yet they were without six weeks.
My son was very small when we assigned him and in a year has grown so much without realizing that it hurts when I pull his pants low, as it hurts not having been able to enjoy baby!, How the years that I missed My oldest daughter is 8 years old now, but emotionally maturity and lack of natural experiences make her a very tiny girl in a body that is developing so meteoric (it's incredible lack of experience trivial, everyday, but comes loaded with a bag of experiences and memories). But are our children, at last and finally after all I have my family.
why I would pass on the torch of hope to those suffering the inexplicable re-pated in the process of adoption. Especially the families who have been literally closed the door of Kazakhstan under their noses and do not know what to expect, and do not know if I ever get to realize his dream.
The process is lengthy and costly in every sense if personnel and material, much as one and the other children or expected but not bought, they are oblivious to what is happening and happening to us We are the parents who seek them, those who fight for them without even knowing if we are looking in the wrong country or at the right time. And you can not relent in your efforts it is making the process as unpredictable as life itself, do not know who or what awaits you across the red thread.
has been confirmed that 240 English families stay with the process on hold right on the doorstep to get it, so it has set up a website to collect signatures and the English government to mediate for them.
Our blog has had nearly 9000 entries, if any of us want to read your signature to help with the English government to help these families, like other governments (French, German or American) are doing for theirs in the same trance, please do so by signing in and on this page: ante-Kazakhstan
O can do it directly in the widget that we have left entries.
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